Enamasti ei saa mul kuu ajaga ükski toode otsa. Ka tänase postituse tooted on enamasti kas kahe või siis isegi kolme kuu tagused .
Usually it takes me more than a month to use up a product. In this monthly emties post I have things that I bought for atleast two or even three months ago .
Alustame siis vasakult.
Oriflame Bio Clinic Adult Skin Anti - Breakout päeva ja öö kreem oli minu jaoks natukene pettumus. Toode peaks kaotama nahavead ja peatama punnide teket täiskasvanud nahal. Kasutasin seda kaks kuud, iga hommik ja õhtu. Paar postitust alla poole näete milline mu nahk on ilma meigita, ehk siis, see toode minu puhul ei toiminud kohe üldse. Toode iseenesest oli mõnus ja nahka paitav, kuid tulemusi ma ei näinud. Võib olla kasutasin seda liiga väikese perioodi vältel, aga kahe kuuga mina tulemusi ei saanud kahjuks. The Body Shop Aloe igapäeva näopesuvaht oli päris tore toode.Niisutas ja puhastas mu nahka kenasti. Kuid muud ma selle toote kohta öelda ei oska,kuna esiteks ma kasutasin seda vaid 50 ml tuubi ja teiseks mingit muud VAU efekti see minus ei tekitanud. Evelini kitsepiima vananemisvastane öökreem on mul kindlasti juba pea 3 kuud olnud. See toode on väga mõnusalt nahka toitev ja niisutav. Öösiti üritan oma nahka maksimumini toita ja niisutada,kuna päevasel ajal pean seda kindlasti matistama. Mulle see toode meeldis ja ostaksin seda kindlasti veel.
Lets start from the left .
Oriflame Bio Clinic Adult Skin Anti - Breakout day/night cream was a bit of disappointment for me. It says that this product should improve skin defects and stop pimples from coming back on adult skin. I used it for almost 2 months every day and night and didn't see any improvement. You can look at my picture where I'm wearing no make-up two postes below. I still have reallybad skin. Maybe Iused it for too little time or maybe it just didn't fir my skin, all I know is that that product didn't work for me.
The Body Shop facialwash with Aloe was a nice product. It moisturized and cleaned my skin very nicely, bur rather than that it didn't do anything else with it . It didn't make me go on a WOW efect , so I thing I would rather not use it again.
Eveline goat milk anti-aging nightcream was in use for me for atleast 3 months already . I didn't use it every day so I had it for a long time. This product is really good moisturizer and at the same time it nourishes your skin aswell. I really liked this cream so I think I will use it again.
Garnier Fructis Goodbye Damage šampoon ja palsam on kindlasti mu viimase kolme kuu parim leid. Need on lihtsalt nii odavad , kuid samas juustele nii pai tegevad tooted. Ma pole veel saanud võimalust teisi selle sarja asju kasutada, kuid järgmisena tahan kindlasti osta nad kõik,et näha mida nad mu juustega teevad, kui selle sarja kõiki tooteid koos kasutan. Kindlasti hea vaheldus salongitoodetele, soovitan kahe käega - ostke, proovige, Te ei kahetse!
Garnier Fructic Goodbye Damage šampoo & conditioner are defenitely one of my greatest discoveres from last three months . They are so cheap but at the same time they make your hair look silky and smooth. I haven't had a chance to use other products from this series. , but I defenitely want to buy them all together now to try out how they all work together. These products are a great change for expencive salonproducts. I really reccomend you atleast these two products - buy, try and you won't regret it !
Oriflame Nature Secrets dušikreem tundlikule nahale Jojoba õlide ja mangoga oli hea toode, kuid miks mina seda enam osta ei taha on lõhn, või siis selle puudumine. Ma armastan dušigeelide juures eelkõige intensiivset aroomi ja boonuseks on see, kui see kehale püsima jääb. Selle tootega polnud lõhna aga ka pestes,kahjuks.
Oriflame Nature Secrets shower cream for sensitive skin with Jojoba & Mango was a nice product but I wouldn't buy it anymore because of the smell, or because it didn't have one. What I love most about my shower creams is the intensive aroma and a bonus is when it the aroma stays on your skin aswell. This product unfortunately didn't have any aroma.
Viimasena Teie ees toode, mis pole mul tegelikult otsas, kuid mille viskasin pika puuga prügikasti, sest see oli totaalne pettumus. Oriflame Eye Liner Stylo must silmalainer oli lihtsalt kohutavalt vesine ja ei püsinud peal 15 minutitki. Ei soovita kellelegi!!
Last but not least I will present you a product that is not used, but still went into my garbage can , because it was a really big disappointment. Oriflame Eye Liner Stylo black eyeliner was just terrible! It's too watery and it lastes for maximum 15 minutes. I do not recommend it for anyone!!
Kas Teie olete neid tooteid kasutanud? Millised on Teie kogemused nende toodetega?
Have you ever used any of these products? What are your experiences with these products?