Kavatsen vaikselt kõiki neid M.A.C'i tooteid arvustada, mis ma testritena sain. Esimesena proovisin Volcanic Ash näomaski . Toode peaks olema sügavpuhastav ja niisutav .
Lõhn on sellel tootel väga intensiivne ja taimne. Mina pole eriline selliste lõhnade austaja, kuid toote toime kutsus siiski proovima. Mulle meeldib väga see, et see mask ei kuiva näos olles kõvaks, seega ei teki ka seda vastikut kiskuvat tunnet. Peale maski eemaldamist oli näha, et nahk on tõesti sügavuti puhastatud ja kõik see "sodi" mis naha all oli on nüüd naha peale tulnud. See küll tekitas koheselt mulle punne juurde,kuid samas tundusin, et see on pigem hea kui halb asi. Seda just sellepärast, et reaalselt tundsin ka, kuidas see tõmbaski kõik nahaalused punnid esile ja samas puhastas imeliselt kõik poorid.
I have a plan to review all of the MAC products that I got testers for.
The Volcanic Ash facemask is thefirst.
The product should have a deep cleansing and moisturizing effect. The smell of this product isvery intense and herbal. I'm not really a fan of such odors, but the effect of the product, however, urged to try. I really like that it does not harden as it dries, so it does not pull the skin. After the removal of the mask it was clear the skin had a really deep clean, and all this "dirt" that had been hidden under the skin was now on the surface. The result wasn't clear skin, but all the impureties seemed to be on the surface, and everything hiding under the skin was pulled out cleaning all the pours.
Kas olete seda maski kasutanud? Kuidas meeldis?
Have you ever used this mask? Did you like it?