12 November 2013

Review: Artdeco mineral foundation

Ühest Artdeco mineraaltootest olen Teile juba kirjutanud. Seekord siis mineraalne meigipõhi ehk jumestuspuuder. Minu puuder on toonis medium beige , aga see on mu naha jaoks kindlasti liiga tume. See küll lisab mu näole imelise päevitunud ja värske efekti, saan ma seda toodet kasutafa vaid ülimalt minimaalses koguses. Üks suur miinus on tootel see, et ta ummistab mu poore. Ma pole küll lugenud, mis pahad asjad tal sees on, et see minuga juhtub, kuid tunnen, et päris mineraalne see siiski pole. 

 I already wrote you a review about one of Artdeco's mineral products. Now it's time dor the reviewof the mineral forndation. I have it on medium beige  and it is far too dark for me. It addes a glowy effect to my skin but I can only use a really really small amount of the product to get a natural look. Also I dont know what kind of bad ingredients are inside this powder, but it really makes my bad skin even worse, so I think this product is not really mineral. 

Kuid väga hästi sobib see toode hetkel mulle kontuurimiseks. Hetkel on mul juba heledam puuder Everyday Minerals'ilt tellitud, kuid kindlasti tahan seda toodet proovida uuesti suvel, kui olen jumekam ja vajan tumedamat toodet oma näole. 

But I use it as a countoring colour right now and I am really pleased with that. Right now I'm waiting for my Everyday Minerals powder to come, but I will definitely try this powder out in the summertime, when I'm more tanned. 

Kas Teie olete seda toodet kasutanud?Kuidas Teile see toode meeldib/meeldis?
Have you ever used this product and did or do you like it?

With love,

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